Bite This! : Los Churros de Las Lomas

Before yesterday I had only tasted churros at great adventure when I was 10. I know, pathetic. In my defense, a warm, authentic, freshly made churro can be a rather illusive beast here in the mean streets of Philadelphia …unless…  you go to Las Lomas Pasteleria!

Just north of Washington on Ave on 9th you can actually follow your nose to warm churros at 8:00am or 3:00pm(en punto!!!) Mon. – Sun. If you are like me and are new to the churro game, churros aka “funnel cake’s shapely brown cousin”, are thick, cinnamon sugar covered fritters of fried doe.* This Mexican treat is not for the health nuts.

Insider tip: You have to get there within an hour of the times listed above. They will run out.


Las Lomas Panaderia y Pasteleria
1034 South 9th Street Philadelphia, PA 19147 (Map)
(215) 551-1808

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Big Appetite. Big Competitions. Big Attitude...Big Bite. A blog about food, food battles, and how food rules everything around me. F.R.E.A.M.! View all posts by bigbiteblog

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